Saturday, December 8, 2007

An Article - 'Murder City' - WSJ, 12/8

"In 1960, 25% of black residents were born to single mothers. By 1980, that number had climbed to 48%. Today, over 80% of Detroit's black children are born to single-parent households."

In other news, our government is on its way to 'bail out' a flailing mortgage industry's subprime arm. However, some observers note that the bail-out includes so many restrictions that most borrowers will be excluded. Who exactly is being bailed out here?
  1. People making bad decisions about how much credit they can handle.
  2. Less financially-aware people who were allowed to make bad decisions about how much credit they could handle.
  3. Businesses with a profit motive encouraging people to make bad decisions about how much credit they can handle.

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